Über uns

Über uns

Gegründet im Jahr 1991 ist webalytics ein IT-Unternehmen, das allen Trends trotzte und die Dotcom-Blase um die Jahrtausendwende mit Bravour überstand.

webalytics, ehemals C.O.D.E.S. EDV-Dienstleistungen, verfügt über ein vielfältiges Fachwissen mit seinem Team in den Bereichen:

• IT-Infrastruktur (Server, Workstation, Netzwerk, Routing, etc.)
• Hosting-Anbieter (eigenes Rechenzentrum im Internetzentrum Frankfurt/Main)
• Internet- und Online-Marketing (SEO, SEM, bezahlte Suche, soziale Medien, etc.)
• Kreation (online & Print)
• Moderne Kommunikation (Presse, Blog, soziale Medien)
• Rechtssicherheit Ihrer Internetpräsenz
• Webdesign und technische Umsetzung (kreatives Konzept, CMS, Blog, etc.)
• Webanalyse & Optimierung (Auswertung, Ableitung von Maßnahmen, A/B-Tests, multivariate Tests, Usability-Tests, etc.)

Aufgrund langjähriger Erfahrung bietet webalytics seinen Kunden ein umfassendes (und zertifiziertes) Dienstleistungsspektrum, das weit über das Standardrepertoire eines traditionellen Anbieters hinausgeht.
Die exklusive Partnerschaft für den deutschsprachigen Raum mit Google, als einer der ersten 14 Partner weltweit, wurde 2005 vom Gründer Holger Tempel initiiert. Er gilt heute als einer der führenden Experten für Google Analytics und gibt sein Know-how regelmäßig in Schulungen und Vorträgen an seine Mitarbeiter und Kunden weiter.

Founded in 1991, webalytics is an IT company that defied all trends and survived the bursting of the dot-net bubble at the turn of the millennium with flying colours.

webalytics, formerly C.O.D.E.S. EDV-Dienstleistungen, has a diverse expertise with its team in the areas of:

  • IT infrastructure (server, workstation, network, routing, etc.)
  • Hosting provider (own data centre in Internet center Frankfurt/Main)
  • Internet and online marketing (SEO, SEM, paid search, social media, etc.)
  • Creation (online & print)
  • Modern communication (press, blog, social media)
  • Legal security of your internet presence
  • Web design and technical realisation (creative concept, CMS, blog, etc.)
  • Web analysis & optimisation (evaluation, deduction of actions, A/B tests, multivariate tests, usability tests, etc.)

Based on many years of experience, webalytics serves its customers with an all-encompassing (and certified) range of services that goes far beyond the standard repertoire of a traditional provider.

The exclusive partnership for the German speaking areas with Google as one of the first 14 partners worldwide was initiated by the founder Holger Tempel in 2005. He is today considered one of the leading experts on the subject of Google Analytics and transfers regularly his know-how to his employees and customers in training courses and lectures.

About Us

Founded in 1991, webalytics is an IT company that defied all trends and survived the bursting of the dot-net bubble at the turn of the millennium with flying colours.

webalytics, formerly C.O.D.E.S. EDV-Dienstleistungen, has a diverse expertise with its team in the areas of:

  • IT infrastructure (server, workstation, network, routing, etc.)
  • Hosting provider (own data centre in Internet center Frankfurt/Main)
  • Internet and online marketing (SEO, SEM, paid search, social media, etc.)
  • Creation (online & print)
  • Modern communication (press, blog, social media)
  • Legal security of your internet presence
  • Web design and technical realisation (creative concept, CMS, blog, etc.)
  • Web analysis & optimisation (evaluation, deduction of actions, A/B tests, multivariate tests, usability tests, etc.)

Based on many years of experience, webalytics serves its customers with an all-encompassing (and certified) range of services that goes far beyond the standard repertoire of a traditional provider.

The exclusive partnership for the German speaking areas with Google as one of the first 14 partners worldwide was initiated by the founder Holger Tempel in 2005. He is today considered one of the leading experts on the subject of Google Analytics and transfers regularly his know-how to his employees and customers in training courses and lectures.